Success in the Digital Experience Economy Requires Connecting MX, UX, CX and EX

Digital is the universal currency in the experience economy

Analysts: Jason Wong, Gavin Tay, Michael Chiu, Brent Stewart

In the “experience economy,” the memories, emotions and feelings that customers take away are ultimately what matters most. To succeed in the digital experience economy, organizations must intertwine strategies around four disciplines: multiexperience (MX), user experience (UX), customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX). Accomplishing this feat will take time and the buy-in and involvement of key executives in marketing, sales, customer service, HR, operations and IT.

This special report provides a guide to curated Gartner research containing important concepts, insights and best practices to help IT leaders connect these four areas in order to be successful.

Set the vision: Why this interconnected strategy should be a priority, even in the face of uncertainty. 

Rally the right people: Whom do you need to engage, empower or support?

Invest in the right things: What are the key technologies, skills and practices that you need?

Take measured next actions: How do you implement and continuously improve this interwoven strategy?


Opportunities and Challenges

  • IT leaders should: IT leaders face ongoing disruptions, as well as opportunities, even in times of economic uncertainty. In the digital experience economy, they face the non-stop proliferation of new devices, digital touchpoints (wearables, immersive, chatbots, IoT, etc.) and modalities of interaction (no-touch, natural language, gestures, vision, etc.).
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated the importance of digital experiences for customers and employees. IT leaders must increase the urgency of modernization and transformation of products and services into experiences through applying digital technologies.
  • Business units and IT organizations still operate in silos for customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX) strategies, which lead to increased technical, process and data debt for everyone. Interweaving CX and EX practices will lead to mutually beneficial outcomes and experiences.
  • Within most organizations, the user experience (UX) discipline is still maturing in skills and methodologies, and a multiexperience (MX) approach to architecture and development is typically lacking. Investing in both areas together can improve business value and agility.

What You Need to Know

IT leaders should:

  • Learn from digital experience gaps uncovered during the pandemic and prioritize initiatives that impact overlapping CX and EX to maximize shared outcomes and value.
  • Modernize the front-end UX of your business applications with a focus on MX interoperability and modularity to enable a path toward the future of applications where assembly and composability are essential.
  • Charter a UX community of practice across business and IT for sharing design and fostering ideas to impact CX and EX strategies and link to related centers of excellence

Download the Report.

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